Saturday, July 23, 2011


2 Weeks till I start FUSION 2011
I am excited and nervous :)

If you'd like more info on Fusion visit

Going on a retreat this Tuesday to prepare my heart and mind. :)

Love Always- Grace

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Made it to Elephant Island!

& we're here :) So good to finally be on Elephant Island, it was a long ride full of windy roads and squatty potties and asking for directions.. but we made it :) The boys were SO good this time, much better than the trip to Chang Mai but worse for me because I was sick all day today from the time we left to 5 1/2 hours later when we found our hotel. Thanks for your prayers. Caleb did end up getting stitches and can't be in the water for a few days.. Pray he heals quickly so we can enjoy the beach please. Love and miss you all soo much.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Awesome Day :)

So I havent't updated since I got home from Laos, so sorry about that! So much has been going on.. And Once we got back from vacation we hit the ground running. There is a ton to do before we leave Tuesday and I'm trying to stay offline in order to be more helpful and encouraging :) But, I have time to update right now because I'm staying up late for a very important skype date.. and I have lots to tell about:)
SO today is Childrens Day in Thailand, huge celebration... and although we spent most the day at home packing, dusting, moving and getting rid of tons of stuff, tonight.. we partied! After all the work was done and we were all too tired to think about any more physical activity we decided to hop in the car and go get some pizza(which was aloy ka..delicious!) Then we went next door and got some very yummy ice cream :D And then Rich decided to take us to this awesome karaoke place and we sang out little lungs out! We had such a great family time! Then we went home and gave the boys baths and our house guest Na Luck asked if I wanted to go to the market... So we got on her motorcy and then she Rich and I helped her move into her new house and then went to the night market.. it was so fun :) I got an adorable Thai dress for like $6 which is awesome and I also got to give money to this adorable little lady who was a beggar.. She held my hand and smiled and I told her in Thai 'God bless you' and gave her a track on the rich man Lazarus. Please pray God uses that in her life and brings her to Himself. :) Ahh, such a blessing to have fun with the Casebolts tonight and just spend time together praising God for ice cream and a good nights sleep tonight... Anyways, I'm off for now. Love you all SO much!..
Elephant Island in 3 days!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Thailand Toilet

Hahahahahahaha this video "crap like a man pt.2" is for Jackson and Tyler, they love toilets.. and everything to do with them, so Caleb and I made a video :) And, this is for Connor, because I'm wearing his Christmas present shirt... Also, If you'd like to see "crap like a man" part one, it's on his awesome youtube channel, so go subscribe! :) Thanks for watching guys, this is just a silly one for the boys :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

World Revival Church..

so tonight i came across these kind of videos on line.. and i had a bad feeling about them. I'm not saying i doubt that this stuff is possible, but I'm just seriously wondering if this was My God at work or powers of darkness. Like.. Seriously, I just watched this for the first time, and I didn't go over it again and listen to everything that was said.. but right off the bat, I feel odd about this. Like, it's moreabout the people and feeling something than it is for the glory of God. Maybe I'm totally wrong about this, I need to look into it more.. It just.. doesn't feel right. Any one have verses or comments about this for me to think on?
When it comes down to it, I know God works in amazing ways, I know he does signs and wonders amd healings. I know God does miracles. I know God has power, but Satan has power too. Satan is the father of lies and I just want people to be careful.. You better not say something is happening in the name of Jesus unless it really is. Thats what I have to say.

I mean, clips from this look like a mosh-pit, not Gods dwelling place.
I sure do think if THIS was how God wanted it, more churches would look like this today, but they don't.. I mean, are we missing something? If this is real, we're clearly missing out. But if its not, those people need help.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Plane Rides & Prayers.

God is sooo good. God is soo good. God is soo good. He's sooo good to me. He answers prayers. He answers prayers. He answers prayers. He's so good to me..

SO remember the huge mess the morning that I was coming to Thailand where I wasn't going to be able to get on the plane because I didn't have a visa? And the lady said I'd be deported and had to pay $300 + to change my tickets? And for those of you who don't know, for the past couple weeks Rich, Vicki, my dad, and the travel agent have all been working with Delta to get our money back an me on the same flight as Rich and Vicki back to the USA in January, or else I'd have to fly home alone this month.
Rich had written this completely epic complaint letter to Delta in my name saying if they didn't get things worked out it just wouldnt be right for me to not let ALL my facebook friends know who Delta treats their customers, and it seemed to work.. we got a very nice reply that said they would refund me and get me home. But then it wasn't looking like that was going to be the case...
But today.. My dad went to Delta and talked to someone in customer service and when he got back he said it's all worked out! :) This is amazing because Vicki and I sat on my bed last night and she prayer hard that this would happen, and now it has. I'm so blessed that I have a God who is big enough to control sickness, and airlines and everything else in this world. I love that He hears us and takes care of things that might not seem like a big deal. :)